Chapter meetings are being led by our President,
Andrea Volf.
Programs given at the meetings are varied, but are generally Czech/Slovak related topics such as; musical entertainment, talks by students attending the University of Nebraska from the Czech or Slovak Republics, videos, or heritage related presentations by members or visitors. Should you have a suggestion for a future program, please contact Evie Kantor. Remember, "Show and Tell" items are always welcome at every meeting!
Delicious meals are provided at the meetings at reasonable cost. Please RSVP to
Andrea Volf - 402-416-6390
one week in advance of the meeting, if you are planning on eating. You do not have to eat to meet!
Visitors & members' guests are always welcome! Please feel free to attend a meeting and, pardon the old pun, "Czech us out"! We ask that you please send an RSVP so we know the attendance for meal planning purposes.
Please remember, if you say you are coming, we have to pay for your meal even if you don't show up, so if you can't make it, please send us an email and let us know ASAP so we can have an accurate final count.
Cancellations are required, at the latest, by 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday before our Friday meeting. Reservations that are made, but not kept, and not cancelled by the deadline may be billed. Thanks for your understanding!